
About Ambassadors:

Here at the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, we are focused on team building for stronger and better small businesses and corporate relationships. We have a community mindset; we are focused on building a better community bond with Midland Texas. We have an opportunity for you to get connected with your city. The Ambassadors program gives you or your employees the opportunity to represent your business. The Ambassadors will have networking events and community service opportunities throughout the year. If you would like to be part of the program, here is some information you would need to know.


Ambassadors are a group of individuals who volunteer for the Chamber. Ambassadors were established to be the Official Host for the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Their responsibilities and activities are important in the growth of our community.



Our prime objective is anything that benefits the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the community of Midland Texas.

Eagle Shadow opening
Ribbon Cutting & Greeting Duties:

Ribbon Cuttings recognize a member’s achievements – such as Grand Openings, Anniversaries, New Locations, and Expansions.

Event opening 2
Red Carpet Greetings:

Welcoming our new members to the MHCC and our Midland Community with great hospitality.


Ambassadors are the Official Hosts of the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at selected events.


A monthly Ambassador Luncheon is scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of every month.

Ambassador Awards:

Ambassadors receive awards based on enthusiasm, cooperation, and participation.

Three types of Awards:

Ambassador of the Month
Rookie of the Month
Ambassador of the Year


Winter Uniform: Designated Blazer, black slacks or skirt, and a designated logo embroidered Polo.
Summer Uniform: Logo Embroidered Polo Shirt, black slacks or skirt, and black shoes.

Come join us today in making a change for our community!

If you prefer to mail in the membership form, you may download it here.